YMCA of Regina Facility Guidelines
Below you will find guidelines for our membership centres to help get you to get started on your journey.
Facility Access/Program Controls
Protection of our children, youth and vulnerable adults is our utmost priority. All Members and Guests are required to provide photo identification, or a valid membership pass when entering the facilities.
- All individuals must provide government-issued photo identification at the time of membership registration.
- Lost or Stolen Membership cards are subject to a $5 replacement fee
- Non-member guests entering the YMCA facilities are required to sign in at the Member Services Desk and provide government-issued photo identification.
The YMCA of Regina facility is
General Guidelines
- Dress appropriately – gym attire: athletic clothing, closed-toed footwear, and personal undergarments are not permitted in the pools.
- Please share the equipment & don’t monopolize equipment in large groups
- No food or drinks are allowed in the equipment areas, pool, gym, or studio – water only.
- Please clean the equipment with the provided disinfectant cloths after each use.
- Please return all equipment to its proper place after use.
- Please secure your belongings in the lockers. The YMCA of Regina is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Age Requirements
- Children under 10 must be supervised at all times by an adult or through a YMCA program.
- Children aged 10-11 must have a parent or guardian in the building.
- Individuals 16 and older are permitted to supervise children 10 and under.
- Children under 10 are not allowed in the workout areas.
- Family Fitness classes are permitted for children 6 – 10 years of age when accompanied by an adult.
- Children must follow facility directions to access the play centres.

Fitness Centre Guidelines
- Youth under the age of 10 are not permitted in the fitness area.
- Youth ages 10-13 must complete a fitness orientation before using equipment and must still be supervised by a parent or guardian in the fitness area.
- Youth ages 14 – 15 must complete an equipment orientation prior to using the fitness area. Once the orientation is completed, they may use the fitness equipment independently.
- Youth ages 16+ may use the fitness area independently but an orientation is still recommended.
- Closed toe/heel shoes are required (No flip flops, Crocs etc.).
- No horse play/roughhousing or inappropriate use of equipment.
- Sanitize and return equipment to its proper storage space after use.
- Please refrain from dropping weights (place mats below weights to minimize impact/sound).
- Please do not leave personal belongings or weights in the walkways.
- Please do not monopolize equipment, limit use to 20 minutes per group/person during peak times.
Play Structure Guidelines
- Children 10 and under allowed on the play structure – children under 10 must be supervised at all times by an adult over 16 or through a YMCA program.
- No food or drinks in the play structure.
- Be respectful of others.
- For hygienic reasons, please wear socks.
- Slide exit area must be clear before next user can come down the slide.
- Please slide feet first down the slide.
YMCA of Regina Programs
- The availability of programs is subject to member demand. The schedule is subject to change. When registered classes must be cancelled participants will be contacted via phone or email. When a non-registered program is cancelled the live schedule will be updated.
- Children under 10 may use YMCA programs and facilities when accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 16.
- Parents must remain in the facility when their children are booked into childminding.
Gymnasium Guidelines
- The YMCA has a gymnasium for those who wish to practice their sport. Like all areas at the YMCA, when the gymnasium is not being used for scheduled programs, it is available for use on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Children under the age of 10 may use the gymnasium when directly supervised by a parent or guardian over the age of 16.
- Please ask Member Services for any equipment that might be available.
Change Room Policy
- Use of the camera function on personal devices in the change rooms is prohibited. ** See guideline under Photography Policy private areas**
- Parents changing their children 5 and older must use the same gender change room or the family change room.
- Family change room is only for adults changing with young children.
- The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
Photography Policy
Public Spaces
If you choose to use your smartphone, or any other camera, we ask that you show courtesy toward other users of the facility and exhibit discretion in what you capture in the scene.
Please limit your photos to your own activities, and make every effort to protect the privacy of others.Private Spaces
It remains forbidden to take photos or videos anywhere there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, including all YMCA change rooms, showers, steam rooms, saunas, family change rooms, bathrooms, etc.
- Contravention of this rule is grounds for immediate cancellation of your membership and prohibition from future use of the YMCA, and may result in further action.
Aquatic Guidelines
Pool Guidelines
- All swimmers must take a cleansing shower before entering the pool.
- Swimmers 6 and under must be within arm’s reach of an adult or a responsible youth 16 and older in the pool.
- Swimmers 7-9 years must be supervised by an adult or responsible youth at least 16 years of age in the pool area.
- WALK. The pool deck is slippery
- Check the water depth before entering the pools. For your own safety, no diving is permitted.
- Persons with serious medical conditions should consult a physician prior to use, and be accompanied by a person who maintains visual contact with the bather.
- Appropriate swim attire must be worn.
- Swimmers who are not fully toilet trained must wear specialty swim diapers or rubber pants.
- Breath-holding activities are prohibited.
- Food is not permitted in the pool area. Glass containers are prohibited.
- Outdoor footwear is not permitted on the pool deck.
Steam Room Guidelines
- Users must be 12 years of age.
- Observe reasonable time limits. Maximum time: 15 minutes.
- Those with medical conditions should consult a physician prior to using the steam room.
- Exercise in the steam room is prohibited.
- Please refrain from the use of scented products.
- Swimmers must be able to swim to the edge of the pool unassisted upon exit.
- Life jackets can be worn.
- Only one (1) user on the slide at a time. Holding of small children is not permitted.
- Use the slide feet first: lying down or sitting up.
- Clear the exit area after sliding down.
- The exit area must be clear before the next user may proceed.
Hot Tub Guidelines
- Enter and exit slowly.
- Lap swimming and toys are prohibited in the hot tub.
- Observe reasonable time limits. Maximum time: 15 minutes.
- Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness, or fainting.
- Those with medical conditions should consult a physician prior to using the hot tub.
The YMCA reserves the right to suspend or cancel a membership at its sole discretion for inappropriate behavior, or failure to comply with this etiquette.
The YMCA of Regina is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children in its care and vulnerable persons accessing YMCA programs and services. We all share a responsibility to protect children and vulnerable persons from harm.
In conjunction with this policy all persons entering YMCA facilities must provide photo ID and sign in on arrival. This applies to non-member parents, rental users, vendors/suppliers, guests, and day pass users. Members are expected to present their membership card or have photo ID if their membership pass has been lost or stolen.
To fulfill the above policy statement, the YMCA of Regina is committed to:
- providing safe environments for children and vulnerable persons;
- identifying any child or vulnerable persons who is suffering, or likely to suffer harm;
- reviewing and evaluating the implementation of this policy regularly for effectiveness.